
De Garengeot's hernia

De Garengeot's herniaというヘルニアがあるんだそうだ。本日まで知らなかった。大腿ヘルニアの中身がアッペであった・・・というときに付けられる名前だそうだ。1731年からあるんだそうだ。まあ明日になったら忘れてもまったく困らん病気だな。

De Garengeot's hernia is a rare subtype of an incarcerated femoral hernia. This eponym may be used to describe the incarceration of the vermiform appendix within a femoral hernia.

This hernia is named after the 18th century Parisian surgeon Rene Jacques Croissant de Garengeot. He is quoted in the surgical literature as the first to describe this situation in 1731. (Although the surgeon's full last name is Croissant de Garengeot, for linguistic convenience it has been suggested to abbreviate this eponym to "de Garengeot".).[1][2]

Similar as with the situation of an Amyand's hernia, the true nature of the incarcerated tissue is rarely diagnosed preoperatively. Patients present clinically similar to other incarcerated femoral herniae. Treatment consists of an appendicectomy and hernia repair. Laparoscopic options are described. [3]

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